Number-Combustion: The Code

                            //get the values from the the page
                            //starts or controlloer function
                            function getValues(){
                                //get value from the page
                                let startValue = document.getElementById("startValue").value;
                                let endValue = document.getElementById("endValue").value;
                                //we need to validate our input
                                //parse into integer
                                startValue = parseInt(startValue);
                                endValue = parseInt(endValue);
                                if(Number.isInteger(startValue)&& Number.isInteger(endValue)){
                                    //call generateNumbers
                                    let numbers = generateNumbers(startValue, endValue);
                                    //call display numbers
                                    alert("You must enter integers")
                            //generate numbers from startvalue to endvalue
                            //logic function(s)
                            function generateNumbers(startValue, endValue){
                                let numbers = [];
                                //we want to get all numbers from start to end
                                for(let i=startValue; i<=endValue; i++){
                                    //this will execute in a loop until index = eValue;
                                return numbers;
                            //display even numbers and mark them bold
                            //display or view functions
                            function displayNumbers(numbers){
                                let templateRows = "";
                                for (let index = 0; index < numbers.length; index++) {
                                    let className = "even"
                                    let number = numbers[index];
                                    if(number % 2  == 0){
                                        className = "align-middle text-center even"
                                        spanClassName = "text-primary text-gradient"
                                        className = "align-middle text-center odd"
                                        spanClassName = "text-secondary"
                                    //this does render correctly with Prism see the source
                                    templateRows += `${number}`
                                document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = templateRows;


The getValues() function starts off by getting the starting value and the end value from the page.

This function uses an if/else statement to validate the values. But first, the parseInt() method is used to insure that every input is an integer.


The generateNumbers() function generates the numbers that was retrieved from the start value and the end value.

Here we use a for loop to loop through the numbers from the start and end values. We then push the numbers to an array.


The displayNumers() function ultimately displays the numbers in a table. We use a for loop and an if/else statement to create the table.

We make sure to style the even numbers in the if/else statement.